Dragons Den
Parents Association

Dragons Den

The Year 7 boys were challenged with inventing and marketing a new product. It could be a completely new concept, a game/craze or redesigning or improving an existing idea or invention.


The work was carried out in their ICT, Design Technology and Art lessons and in each discipline a different aspect of the project was pursued.


• In Art they created a short promotional video. In some instances they have written their own music as a backing track. 
• In Design technology a ‘design board’, promotional gifts or in some instances a prototype of their invention.
• In ICT they carried out Market Research and created a website to market their product. They have also handled the finances of their company using spreadsheets.
The boys have worked incredibly hard throughout the process and all confidently pitched to the panel of 'Dragons' who threw some tough questioning their way! There were many investments made, and some concepts that boys are considering pursuing in real life.


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