Head's Blog: Beyond Moulsford
Head's Blog

I often look at the Moulsford children and love how they are free, easy-going and seemingly without a care in the world! ‘Being’ in the moment and enjoying the numerous opportunities that arise on a daily basis is so important to nurturing happy, well balanced and confident children. A wonderful example of this was watching the first set of fixtures against Summer Fields on Wednesday, with every boy in Years 5 -8 playing football for the school. On Tuesday 19th September all of Year 4 will play rugby against The Dragon, and the following week it will be Year 3’s chance to shine when they have their first fixture against St, John’s Beaumont. What an exciting day that will be for the boys and their parents!

For most of our children, senior schools, job prospects and the future must seem like a world away. Naturally, we adults have slightly more experience under our belts, and these are areas we can plan for as far as we are able. To help Moulsford parents think about the future beyond Year 8, we are hosting our Senior Schools Fair on Tuesday 3rd October, in the Sports Hall from 4.00-6.00pm. All parents are welcome to attend, but it may be particularly relevant to those who have children in Years 4 -7. Please click here for the list of the 20 schools attending the event, each of which will have a base in the sports hall giving Moulsford parents the opportunity to talk with staff.

Most of the schools present at our Fair will feature in the latest Tatler Schools Guide (currently on sale with the October edition) and we are delighted that Moulsford has once again been highlighted as one of the top prep schools in the UK.

The annual process of selecting schools for their guide begins over the winter, and last January we welcomed one of their researchers for a day at the school.  She had lunch with a group of senior boys, toured the Boarding House with a group of boarders, and spent time with teaching staff and me.  She was super-impressed by the children and thoroughly enjoyed her visit. The school is also invited to complete a questionnaire, and also boys and parents, so thank you to all those pupils and parents who submitted questionnaires to Tatler on Moulsford’s behalf.

The write up identifies several of the senior schools to which Moulsford boys progress, and interestingly they didn’t mention some of our most popular destinations!  Parents will hopefully be aware that we send boys on to a very wide variety of schools – 17 in 2023 – so the three they mentioned is only a snapshot. Giving parents independent and tailored advice for each child’s onward journey is so important to us. We hope that you enjoy reading the review, please click here for a copy.

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