Head's Blog: The valuable role of the MPA
Head's Blog

For all those parents and families who have ever attended a Moulsford Bonfire night, a Headmaster’s Quiz, the Christmas Fair, the Summer Ball, or the school Year 6 to 8 disco, then you have enjoyed events run and organised by the Moulsford Parents Association.  Equally, if you have ever bought second hand uniform, you have been a beneficiary of the time given by parent volunteers to run the Second Hand Uniform Shop.

These events and the shop are wholly run by Moulsford parents. There is a committee of trustees who manage the MPA’s activities and finances, and who lead the events.  They are supported by teams of both parent and staff volunteers, who give their time to help put on amazing MPA events, for the rest of the community to enjoy.

To clarify, the MPA has three main aims:

  • To put on social and family fun events which celebrate, develop and grow relationships in the wider school community; connecting parents, staff and pupils
  • To raise money for the pupils for the extras which further enrich school life beyond the curriculum in terms of specialist equipment and experiences
  • To support charitable endeavours in collaboration with the school, such as collections for the local foodbank and supporting the house charities as chosen by the pupils

Over the 10 years that I have been at Moulsford and before, the whole community has benefitted in so many and varied ways from the MPA’s efforts, which contribute greatly to Moulsford families’ overall experience during their journey through the school.

However, the organisation of these events doesn’t happen by chance, and relies on new and different parents stepping up to volunteer and give back, at a time in their Moulsford journey to suit them.  Roles and responsibilities can be shared, and are often more fun when undertaken by a group of friends. The PA is fully supported by the school, through the Bursar, the school office and our Events Co-ordinator, and we hugely appreciate our collaborative relationship.

One event in particular for which the MPA is currently seeking a lead or team to run it is the 2024 Christmas Fair.  It is a highlight of the school calendar for many Moulsford families, and a fabulous opportunity for festive fun.  The MPA has been calling for a volunteer for this for a while now, after Sarah Hollins recently stepped down from the role following two highly successful events.  Without a new team to put on the event, there will be no Christmas Fair in 2024, which would be an enormous shame for everyone, especially the children.  Please consider putting yourself, or a team of friends, forward to run this excellent event, and don’t just leave it to the ladies! Dads/gents are positively encouraged to get involved.

We do understand that work and other commitments make it hard to imagine how one can usefully contribute.  However, the current PA committee all manage their volunteer time around their own work and other commitments, and any contribution is valued, whether large or small.  Getting a team together and sharing the various tasks can be a great way to join in, without any one person having to take on more than they can manage.

It is extremely important for everyone to understand how the funds raised by the PA are spent.  The PA works collaboratively with the school, discussing and agreeing how funds should be allocated, and always with the benefit of pupils and community in mind.  Please click here for a list of items for which the MPA has recently approved funding, within the three main areas of spending:

1. Legacy Project – the PA sets aside approximately 50% of annual monies raised for a legacy project which is a larger, more long-term project (3-5 years) which will benefit the pupils across the school.  The MPA has raised £50,000 so far of its goal of £100,000 towards its current legacy project.  Over the last couple of years and since the pandemic, the needs of the school in this regard have shifted and changed but in conjunction with the school, the PA looks forward to revealing more details about the current legacy project very soon.

2. Spend Requests from the School - the teaching staff regularly make spend requests of the PA, for equipment or tools that will enhance their ability to run activities or extra-curricular learning for the benefit of the pupils. The PA ensures that any spend covers the breadth of school departments and the interests and endeavours of the pupils. The PA’s aim is that all pupils at the school will benefit from MPA spend at some point in their school life and hopefully many times. For examples of recent MPA spend:

        • Have you or your relations enjoyed the live-streams of music and drama performances? The new theatre camera was purchased by the MPA.
        • Have you seen pictures of the boys doing the pottery throwdown? The MPA bought the pottery wheels and equipment.
        • If your child has been using the outdoor furniture in the Pre-Prep play area, or playing at the new tennis tables in the Prep school, they were all purchased by the MPA.
        • Has your child been writing on their devices in ICT with the new stylus pens? The MPA bought those.
        • If your child has been wiring circuits and using saws in DT then the MPA has contributed to those.

3. The pupils get a say - the PA has recently introduced pupil-led spend requests (supervised by the school and voted on by student representatives), with up to £5,000 allocated to these spend requests each year.

The school is extremely grateful to all those parents who contribute their time so generously for the benefit of the whole community, and not just for PA events but also the other many and varied charitable lunches, dinners and events which so enhance life at Moulsford.  We are incredibly fortunate to be able to enjoy these moments with friends, family and colleagues, and it’s so important to set the example to the next generation that giving back to your community does matter and through teamwork and camaraderie, it reaps major rewards.

Finally, we are indebted to our current MPA Chair, Bonnie Thomas, and the MPA Secretary, Clare Humphreys and the wider PA team, for all their time, energy and enthusiasm in supporting the cause.  Please do support them by attending the next AGM on Monday 18th March at 7.30pm, to learn and understand more about the PA’s excellent work.

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