Head's Blog: The whole Moulsford journey
Head's Blog

Last weekend was extremely busy at Moulsford with two fantastic and hugely successful events taking place. On Saturday we hosted 40 prospective Moulsford families for ‘Stay and Play’ in the Pre-Prep. We are extremely grateful to the Year 2 boys (and some of their siblings) who very kindly joined us for the morning to help look after the young children visiting the school for the first time. The Moulsford staff organised a really exciting carousel of activities, ranging from art & craft, music, sport and seed planting. It was such a joy to welcome so many new young faces to the school and thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful event.

At the other end of the Moulsford journey, Sunday also gave us a very special day, as we welcomed 30 of the 2019 leavers and their families back to Moulsford. These boys, now in their final year at their senior schools, were such good company. It was great to hear about their experiences since leaving Moulsford, learn about their exciting plans from July onwards, and re-connect with both them and their families.  A football match against the staff was played before enjoying an excellent lunch for all in the marquee. As I reminded everyone, once a pupil at Moulsford, always an Old Mole, and once a parent at our school, always a member of our community. I should add that the staff team won the football! How funny to think of our current Year 8s and their parents returning for this event in 2029.

A common theme that comes through when talking to both the prospective parents on Saturday, and the returning families on Sunday, is the breadth of opportunity for children at Moulsford. We are delighted that this has been recognised in The Week’s Independent Schools Guide Prep School Special, with Moulsford winning ‘Best of the Best’ in the ‘Great for Outdoor Pursuits’ category.

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