Jude's Charity Bakes

Bake Sale for the Earth Trust

Jude H in Year 5 recently held a bake sale to raise money for the Earth Trust and he has written all about his reasons……

“In Year 4, we went on a visit to the Earth Trust. I really enjoyed the day, especially the bug hunt, and I found a lizard and a frog. The Earth Trust is an organisation dedicated to saving our planet by educating students about threats to the environment. If our generation does not improve and take steps to protect our planet, it is destined to become a deserted wasteland. We need to pick up litter, use less plastic and try to use less energy.

"I decided I wanted to raise money for the Earth Trust, to help them with their mission to save our planet. So I made chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, cookies, lemon drizzle cake and homemade lemonade. I set up a stall outside my house and posted a WhatsApp message to the neighbours to come and buy some cake.

"All the neighbours came out (except one who was on holiday). Some of them gave me a donation as well as money for the cakes. I told them all about the Earth Trust. Altogether I raised just over £200 which I donated in a cheque and I sent a letter too. They wrote back to me to say thank you.”

Well done Jude on your efforts – excellent work!

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