Moulsford aims to nurture the whole child, providing opportunities for each individual to develop their talents and abilities. The culture is one of achievement within a vibrant learning environment, ensuring positive reinforcement at all levels of ability.
The school has high academic expectations of the pupils and excellent teaching ensures that they move to their senior schools extremely well prepared.
Great emphasis is also placed on the extra-curricular side of school life, with a very broad range of activities. Sport, Music, Art, Drama and river-based activities play a particularly prominent role in the timetable.

Our mission is for Moulsford pupils to stand on their own as lifelong learners, growing in confidence and independence and where good habits become second nature. Above all we want the children to enjoy their school. We aim to provide a holistic approach, wherein the spiritual, moral, social and cultural values we promote are embedded in every aspect of school life. We aim to foster and develop a caring community where everyone feels respected and valued and children are happy.
Both a Moulsford education and the School's vision are underpinned by our core values of:
- Kindness
- Courage
- Curiosity
Our school values guide how we live our Moulsford lives on a daily basis, and also aim to give Moulsford children a very solid set of foundations on which they can build through life’s long journey.
Our vision is to be the best co-educational Prep School in our area, instilling Kindness, Courage and Curiosity in all our pupils. The Moulsford pillars, which support our vision, are:
- To build and reinforce our Community
- To achieve Excellence in everything we do
- To Innovate in all areas
We aim to embrace the principle of ‘Every Child Matters’ and work towards the five outcomes: Be Healthy; Stay Safe; Enjoy and Achieve; Make a Positive Contribution; Achieve Economic Well-being.