Moulsford Prep School has announced that from September 2026, it will take the next step towards full co-education.

  • Prep School to take girls into Year 3 in September 2026
  • Pre-Prep already co-educational from ages 3-7 (Pre-School to Year 2)
  • By September 2031, the School will have girls in every year group

With Year 3 becoming co-educational in September 2026, this allows the School plenty of time to finalise preparations for this transition, including any necessary adjustments to the curriculum, pastoral care, sports provision, facilities and infrastructure. Headmaster, Ben Beardmore-Gray, will be sharing the plans with parents over the coming months, and will also be inviting them to provide their input.

Please click here for a copy of the letter from Edward Boddington, Moulsford Chair of Governors.

Please click here for the full set of Q&As to accompany this announcement.

Below you can watch a personal video message about the announcement from Headmaster, Ben Beardmore-Gray.

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