30 Boys Enjoy the Boarding Experience
Last Friday, The Boarding House held its second trial boarding night of the year. 30 boys from Years 5 and 6 stayed the night and were treated to a delicious supper of meatballs and pasta. They also participated in a variety of traditional Summer Term boarding activities including cricket, tennis, and swimming, making the night a well-rounded experience.
Afterwards, the boys retired to the house to shower and change into their pyjamas. Before bed, they relaxed by either watching a movie or playing pool. The boys then had a good night's sleep and were fed breakfast before being collected ahead of the afternoon's fixtures.
Congratulations to all the boys who attended the evening and were on great form from start to finish. If you are interested in your son joining the Boarding House at any stage of the next academic year and have not yet let me know, please pop me an email and I will happily answer any questions you have about boarding at Moulsford.
Jake Albon
Head of Boarding