Henry B – Spring Term 2023
When I first joined Moulsford in Year 4 it seemed very impressive compared to my previous school. I was amazed by the range and quality of the facilities, the older boys were very welcoming, and the teachers were enthusiastic and encouraging. It didn't take long for Moulsford to become home, this has been the case throughout my time here.
In the classroom, I have been both challenged and aided in all my subjects, with my teachers working extremely hard to make lessons relevant, helpful, and enjoyable. As you go through the school, the volume of prep (homework) you get increases, but the teachers help you develop better strategies for managing this, and make sure you always know how to approach the work that has been set. I really like the fact that the curriculum covers a broad, interesting, and engaging range of subjects, and it would be impossible to pick a favourite among so many well-taught lessons.
The physical and sporting side of Moulsford is key to the curriculum as well, with cricket, football, hockey, and my favourite - rugby being some of the key sports played during the year. However, there is a huge variety of other sports as well, from archery and basketball to swimming and water polo, and everything in between. There is a sport and a team for everyone, with the dedicated sports staff tapping your potential and facilitating ways to help. I have found the sports at Moulsford amazing from day one.
The Activities programme after school is vast. During the hotter months, there is a great selection of river activities to choose from, such as kayaking and paddleboarding. In the winter, there are many indoor activities, such as cooking, and the ever-popular pottery, as well as a year round selection of other hobbies. In the older years of school, you are also offered a boarding option (Monday to Friday), and, from my friends who do board, I hear nothing but amazing reviews of the activities, companionship, and food available. If it's even half as good as the lunches, the boarders must be spoiled. Massive credit must be given to the talent, dedication and kindness of the kitchen staff, whose food is always delicious and nutritious!
In my time at Moulsford, it has never failed to be a safe community where I can feel at ease, and excited about each day. Without Moulsford, I’m sure the polite and chivalrous gentlemen of my year would be hooligans, and I cannot thank Moulsford enough for transforming my peers to model humans! I feel that I have been well prepared for whatever could challenge me in the future, and extremely fortunate to have come here.