John S, Autumn Term 2023
When I joined Moulsford in Bobcats, I felt welcomed and immediately at home. Nine years later, here I stand as Head Boy. I had no idea what was to come: over these nine years, I have seen the full range of what is possible at Moulsford. Everything from the activities programme to the fantastic school plays. There is something for everyone, be it on the sports field, in the classroom, in the DT workshop or the theatre - and everything in between. But my highlights are a mix of everything.
When I joined Moulsford I couldn’t have cared less about sport, but now I am pushing myself. I couldn’t recommend a better school for all-round sports (maybe because I haven’t been to any other school - but I have faced them). You could play us at cricket, football, rugby or hockey and still be shocked at the standard, from the 1st team to the 9th. From my very first rugby match at Moulsford in Year 3 to my last, I can’t think of a moment I haven’t enjoyed. All of the Moulsford sports staff help you and push you to your goals (and help you score them too).
Of course, schools aren’t just about sport - they are also about other things, like (drum roll please) Music. I have played so many instruments at Moulsford, it’s hard to count: piano, ukulele, guitar, the list goes on. To have these brilliant teachers come in and teach you these amazing skills feels like an opportunity you have to take. In DT I have gone from making cars out of loo roll tubes in Bobcats to (I hope) making proper go-karts in Year 8.
I remember the day I first walked into the theatre. I thought that it was the kind of place my favourite actors might perform. I was amazed. I think everyone was. I didn’t necessarily see myself playing a chicken in the Year 2 nativity (I saw myself as a cow) - but I still took the opportunity. The Year 7 play was a big highlight. In my year, we did “Around the World in Eighty Days”. Although my favourite one to watch back on DVD would be the Pre-Prep nativity when I played Prancer the Reindeer.
Moulsford has taught me to embrace anything that comes at me and try to take advantage of it. As I head into my last year, I feel so grateful for the time I have had in this little village in South Oxfordshire. This school has helped me in so many ways. To be Head Boy makes me feel like I have come a million miles. My new life at Bradfield is perfectly set up.