Meeting of the Eco-Prefects
Eco activities

Creation of the Moulsford Eco Code

On Thursday Mr Symonds gathered the new Eco Prefects together to discuss ways in which Moulsford can become greener. Representatives from Years 3 to 8 have formed a committee to try and help the school earn a green flag award.

One of the key tasks for the group is to create an Eco Code for the whole school community to follow. This could include looking at reducing rubbish in the classroom, saving energy around school, how we use water, single-use plastics and reducing food waste. There will be a focus on Moulsford’s three core values:

  • Kindness – to our planet and others
  • Courage – to make good decisions
  • Curiosity – learning more about what we can all do to help

It was particularly heartening to hear of the pupil-led efforts of some Year 6 pupils who have formed an eco group who meet twice a week to litter pick and keep the school looking tidy.

The group will be meeting again next week to discuss the next steps and we look forward to integrating their suggestions into school life.

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