Moulsford Maths Roundup

4B are Doodle Champs

Over the past few weeks the boys in Years 2 to 5 have been taking part in the Doodle Maths 'Back to School Competition'. There has been a fantastic buzz around the school as boys discussed how often they were using Doodle Maths and whether or not they were in the green zone, with results posted around school. As well as the boys, teachers showed their competitive side to ensure their class were striving for top spot.

The competition was aimed at using doodle maths, Little and Often' each day to remain in the Green Zone. The green zone indicates that a child has earned enough stars to achieve their target for the week hence making excellent mathematical progress.

Over the two weeks, all of the classes hit 100% at one stage or another which is amazing. The boys were up against nearly 3000 other schools and we are thrilled to announce that class 4B won top prize in Maths. Congratulations to Miss Browne and the boys.

There was also a hotly contested in-house competition between all classes with every class receiving a prize. The results of this will be shared in the next roundup.

A huge thank you to all the boys, parents and teachers who helped the boys achieve and make such amazing progress.

Shiplake Maths Day

This half term we have had a number of boys attending Maths Days at senior schools. This week Jamie, Hugh and Innes (Year 4) along with Rex, Theo and Charlie (Year 5) attended a Maths challenge at Shiplake College. The boys did exceptionally well when faced with challenging questions, which involved the use of arithmetic, problem solving and reasoning. The boys worked extremely well together and represented Moulsford demonstrating our values of kindness - working collaboratively with one another, curiosity - grappling and working with countless strategies and finally, courage - presenting ideas coherently as a group in front of an audience. Well done boys - tremendous work.











More about doodle

If you would like to know a little more about doodle and doodle maths and how we use it to help your son(s) make continued progress please click on the following links. 

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