Food glorious food!
Mr Hamilton-Smith chaired a very productive School Council meeting on Monday where the boys in the Prep School shared ideas and opinions on all aspects of the school.
There was a strong focus on food with discussion around lunchtime menus and favourite main courses and popular puddings (still Moulsford goo!). They then chatted about snacks on offer during the day and whether there could be some more choices. The discussion ended with chat around what alternatives might be possible for the boys’ match teas.
The group then highlighted their desire once again to have basketball hoops in the playground and all agreed that the addition of a friendship bench would be popular.
Other ideas discussed included whether Moulsford could start offering bagpipe lessons, whether parents and staff races at Sports Day would be a possibility, the suggestion of coding and whittling as additions to the Activities programme and the potential introduction of house ties.
Overall it was a very useful and positive meeting and some of these ideas will be discussed in more detail later on in the term.