A fortnight of fun and friendship
Our Year 8 boys have enjoyed a fun and varied programme of activities since the end of their Common Entrance exams. Their first big treat as soon as the Common Entrance was over was the traditional run around the school and a visit from the ice cream van. This was followed by an afternoon of outdoor cinema where the boys enjoyed watching ‘Maverick’ on the front lawn.
The following day the boys took part in a Rhythms of the World workshop, led by Ollie Tunmer from The Beat Goes On. They explored stomp-style body percussion and used a range of instruments to improvise rhythms of all kinds.
Fancy dress walks, river-based fun, hearing from Old Moles about life at Senior School, podcasting and exploring issues around making the right choices were all on the agenda. The boys also took part in some fascinating workshops including Impact Training with Jessica Haworth, focusing on presentation skills and building self-esteem as well as parkour with Liam Sargent. We also welcomed guest speaker Patrick Foster.
After some thoroughly miserable weather the team were in luck for the annual Forest School Campout and the boys spent a dry and extremely fun 24 hours in the woods. They really got into our "understanding where your food comes from" meal, with intent watching of the demonstration on how to prepare the rabbits and lots of questions as they went along. The end result was a delicious rabbit stew, in which the boys were involved from the start and the animal that had given its life for the meal was treated with respect and appreciation!
With Sports Day and the Leavers’ Trip to Devon still ahead, it’s been a wonderful final few weeks of Prep School with lots of memories made!
You can view a gallery of images here.