Jake Albon - Head of Boarding
Head of Department

During the school day at Moulsford I am lucky to be able to combine two of my biggest interests in life, sport and technology, with my teaching timetable consisting of PE, ICT and Games. Be it out on the sports field or in the ICT suite I try and create a fun environment in which the boys can learn and better themselves.

I left home at the age of 16 to pursue a career in professional Rugby with Leicester Tigers. The experience meant I had to grow up quickly and take responsibility for my actions if I was going to be successful. Early mornings, busy days at college trying to cram in three A-levels and a brutal training regime gave me an appreciation of what hard work felt like and despite my time at Leicester coming to an end aged 20, the process was hugely rewarding. My talent on the rugby field provided me with a pathway to Loughborough University, where I gained a degree in sports coaching whilst playing in the third tier of English rugby.

Once my time at University came to an end I had a tough decision to make, to try my hand again in the professional side of the game or to continue playing at a semi-professional level and begin my teaching career. I chose the latter and was very lucky to land on my feet playing rugby for Henley and working at Moulsford - which was a dream come true. I completed my teacher training and was offered a full-time role at Moulsford a year later. I would go on to play rugby for Henley for the next seven years finishing my time at the club in 2022 as captain.

Despite not having the opportunity to board as a student, during my six years as a member of the boarding team at Moulsford I have seen the enormous power of good that it can do for the boys. The boarding experience at Moulsford gives the boys an opportunity to forge good habits that will set them up for life - regardless of if they go on to board at senior school. The Boarding House gives the boys an identity and a group of which they feel a part. The boys learn that working hard and having fun do not have to be mutually exclusive of one another, which I believe is a valuable lesson for us all.

I began my role as the Head of Boarding in September 2022 alongside my wife Chantal. Chantal is Head of French at Moulsford and likes to keep active in her spare time. Chantal can often be spotted running in the local distance running events - but keep your eyes peeled as she normally goes by rather quickly!

The newest addition to our family, our daughter Isla, loves having the boys around during the evenings, her “older brothers” in the House love engaging with her and find her an excellent source of entertainment when she is crawling around! Our cat Heidi also makes a rare appearance in the House from time to time (the name is not a coincidence!)

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