Year 5 Play - Honk!

Year 5 Get in a Flap!

For two nights the school theatre was transformed into a duckyard ready to be filled with all manner of feathered fowl. Telling the story of The Ugly Duckling may sound simple, but with a production that involved numerous songs (including quite a few solos), scenes and choreographed dances, the five-week run-up to this show passed by in the blink of an eye!

The fact that this is an incredibly talented year group was clear from the outset, but beyond this it was the teamwork and supportive atmosphere which really made this play a pleasure to put on.

Their efforts in acting and singing were rewarded with two excellent evening performances to audiences who were fantastic in offering their support to the boys on stage. 

A huge thank you to the boys for their hard work, the staff who gave up their time to create sets and costumes as well as assist on the nights, and finally to the parents who no doubt supported the boys with the learning of lines in preparation for the show as well as on the nights themselves.

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