globalbridge introduced at Moulsford
Over the last year, Moulsford has introduced a new online platform for the older boys to enable them to record their achievements online. globalbridge is a digital platform which allows pupils to showcase themselves beyond exam grades alone and connect with future career and education opportunities.
The online profile is a place for the boys to evidence their talents and demonstrate their breadth of talents and skills using a variety of different media – for example through videos, photographs, essay transcripts and audio recordings. They might want to showcase their participation in sporting matches or events, attendance on courses or interesting trips, work experience, charity and voluntary work, music exams, even videos of them learning how to skateboard! Anything that the boys are proud of can be uploaded to the system.
This record can then be taken with them throughout their senior school and whichever further education route they decide to take, be it university, college, an apprenticeship or straight into the job market.
So far our Year 7 boys have been working with globalbridge and getting a huge amount from it and we will be rolling it out to Years 6 and 8 over the coming weeks. Moulsford is proud to be the first Prep School in the country to be using globalbridge and we hope it will provide the boys the opportunity to show the world their achievements. With more and more senior schools on board we believe that the boys will find it an invaluable tool going forward.
For more information, please click here for an article in Prep School Magazine from the CEO of globalbridge.