Descriptive writing and Spanish speaking
We held a Celebration Assembly on Wednesday to highlight some of the achievements of the boys in Year 3 to 5. In Year 3 we celebrated Bertie A, Elis P and Dylan J for their great effort learning Spanish tapas foods. In Year 4 Jamie B, Felix B, Arthur R, Jonty R and James T have all been working hard creating their own mythical beasts. Sam B in Year 5 was celebrated for a fantastically detailed character description using ambitious vocabulary and JoJo H was awarded the Languages Star of the Week for great work in Spanish. Logan W has been showing some great consistency in both academics and on the cricket square. Finally, Benji B has produced some great mood focused descriptive writing and Theo D has been involved in a great group description of a Mario character.
Thank you to the Year 8 boys for presenting these achievements and well done to the pupils in Years 3 to 5 who gave us so much to celebrate this week.