It Happens Workshops
Academic Talks and Assemblies

PSHE in the Senior School

As part of the PSHE and Science Curriculum, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is taught in school. The boys in Years 6 to 8 have been thinking about the different types of relationships we experience in life, what makes them healthy or unhealthy, and how to manage feelings when things in relationships change. Boys in Year 6 have also been learning about puberty and reproduction.

To enhance our provision, we hosted Debbie Melton from It Happens on Tuesday. She ran workshops for the boys in Years 5 to 8, covering a variety of topics on the same themes. It is really valuable to have a different voice reinforcing and building on their learning from lessons in school.

A large number of parents attended a parent webinar with Debbie the week before. She talked about the importance of positive conversations around RSE and ways to support families with it at home. The feedback from this was very positive so thank you to all who attended.

For those who don’t know, It Happens Education are a team of RSHE specialists with extensive professional experience. They are qualified teachers, doctors, nurses, authors, inspectors and subject specialists. They are frank, straight-talking, open and honest, inclusive, non-judgemental and kind. Their philosophy is not to say “No!” they say “It Happens… Let’s talk about it”

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