Remembrance Service 2023
Talks and Assemblies Whole School

Focus on the Falklands War

A thought provoking and moving Remembrance Day service was held in the Sports Hall, led by members of Year 7 and 8.  The service begun with a brief chronology of the Falklands War, which was delivered by Oliver M, Caleb G, Zac M and Charlie N in Year 8. We then welcomed Chris Keeble, an 81 year old veteran from the Falklands War who was interviewed by Theo H and William H in Year 8. He talked very movingly about his experiences of leading soldiers in battle, the preparation and training required, and the responsibility of leadership in war.

There were also contributions by the Junior and Senior Choirs, who sung Tears in Heaven and The Lord is My Shepherd respectively.

Head Boy John S led the traditional one-minute’s silence after ‘The Last Post’ and we had prayers from Reverend Rebecca Peters, along with readings delivered by Noah H and Archie M from Year 7.

Attended by the whole Prep school, this act of Remembrance clearly struck a chord with both boys and staff.  Our thanks to Chris Keeble for joining us and sharing his experiences, to Mr Weeks for the planning and to the Music Department for putting together such a moving and memorable Remembrance Day Service.

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