Moulsford’s Remembrance Service for Years 3 to 8 is always a very special event, and this year it was a privilege to welcome Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Keeble DSO, and Revd Rebecca Peters to the school. Our Service focussed on the Falklands Conflict of 1982 in which Chris played a pivotal role, taking command of 2 PARA at a crucial stage during the Battle of Goose Green. During the service, Chris was interviewed by Theo H and Will H about his memories and experiences of the campaign, and gave the boys and staff a very powerful insight into the mindset of soldiers, the responsibilities of leadership, and the impact of losing your colleagues. Chris’ final comment that, ‘every day is Remembrance Day (for servicemen and women) – not because we want to remember, but because we cannot forget’, made us all reflect. Listening to our Year 8 boys talk with Chris was particularly pertinent for me, as the Falklands Conflict took place in the year I left prep school, and I have very clear memories of the sacrifices made by Chris’ generation.
Thank you also to Rebecca Peters for leading the prayers and giving the address at our service. Rebecca is in her first year as the Vicar of Cholsey and Moulsford, and the School is very keen to develop our relationship with both her and the parish. I was present at Rebecca’s installation in February, and we have previously welcomed her to both the Pre-Prep and the Prep school. We are also extremely grateful for the access we are granted to Moulsford village church.
Both Chris and Rebecca really enjoyed the service and my thanks to both the junior and senior choirs for their lovely renditions of ‘Tears in Heaven’ and ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’, and to all those Year 8 boys who read about the Falklands narrative or said the prayers. We finished the service with the whole congregation singing ‘Abide with me’, which we had rehearsed earlier in the week.
The Pre-Prep had an equally moving service in their Hall, listening to Nimrod played by a military band followed by a discussion about poppies and their meaning. They had their own two minute silence which was beautifully observed – no mean feat for 3 year olds!
On Friday 17th November, we are hosting Moulsford’s annual charity lunch at the RAC on Pall Mall. A reminder that the aim of the lunch is to raise valuable funds for Inspire Children and Youth, the charity which the Spring 2024 South Africa Moulsford Rugby Tour is supporting.
We have some great auction items for the RAC lunch, which have been very generously donated by the Moulsford community. This year, the auction will only be held live on the day, but if your ‘other half’ is attending the event, we thought you might be interested to see the auction list.