Boarders’ MasterChef Finale
Parents Event

Culinary delights for our discerning judges


After some impressive practice rounds, as well as a closely contested group stage, in which boarding tutor groups produced a three course meal of their choice, this term has seen the finale of our 2017-2018 Boarders’ MasterChef Competition.


From chicken casseroles to prawn curries, rice puddings to cheesecakes, it has been lovely to see all of our boarders gaining some culinary experience. Whilst there has been a competitive element to proceedings, most importantly, so many of the boys have loved testing themselves in the kitchen, producing some really delicious dishes along the way.


Particular congratulations go to the Watson/Sage tutor group who emerged victorious on Tuesday evening, with detailed adjudication from the discerning Mr & Mrs Clements, who kindly gave up their evening to sample the boys’ offerings. Congratulations to all of the boarders though, and thanks to all of the boarding staff, who have worked particularly hard to support the boys with their cooking. We very much look forward to more of the same next year and in the meantime, eagerly anticipate feedback on the weekend cooking exploits of the boys, who will doubtless be practising their skills with family and friends!

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