Safer Internet Day
Pastoral Parents Event

E-Safety talks to parents and boys

On Monday, Alan Mackenzie, an e-Safety Adviser who has a long-standing relationship with Moulsford, presented workshops for the boys in Years 6 to 8.

Many issues were covered in the sessions and Alan gave a very interesting overview of ‘captology’ and persuasive design, which is the study of how computer technology can be used to change people's opinions, or to persuade them to do something. Of particular interest, is the design of apps which entice the user to interact with them on a near constant level. There was a big discussion about Snapchat and the use of ‘streaks’ that force users to be online everyday. Alan gave the boys some really practical advice about how to set up their devices so that they have more control.

The boys were very engaged and contributed some interesting observations about their own experiences of being online. Form Heads also attended the workshops, which enables them to fully understand the current issues surrounding the internet so that they can continue the conversation with the boys on an ongoing basis.

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