Head's Blog: Parents Association
Head's Blog

Many of you will have attended Moulsford Bonfire Night, which was a fabulous event organised by the Parents Association. Over 800 people bought tickets to view the bonfire and fireworks, and there was a lovely atmosphere throughout the display.  On such evenings, the Parents Association works extremely closely with the Moulsford staff, and both are critical to the smooth running and operation of the event. Enormous thanks go to Nicola House (Chair of the PA) and her team for giving so many boys, parents and staff such a great night.

The school is extremely grateful to those parents who give up their time to make such a valuable contribution to the Parents Association. Not only does the PA provide a very important social forum for Moulsford parents, but it also raises significant funds in the process, which are used to purchase items for the benefit of your boys. In an average year, the PA generates between £25K-30K for such purposes.

For the PA to be effective, it is wholly reliant on the goodwill of Moulsford parents to run events and coordinate its administration. Specifically, the PA is seeking to appoint a Treasurer from March 2019. The role does not require detailed financial knowledge, just someone who can keep track of the cash, pay invoices and be responsible for floats and banking.  Being organised, with basic spreadsheet ability is useful.

The Moulsford PA is a great way to get involved in school life.  If you are interested in the role or would like further information, please contact [email protected]


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