HPL – Talan Skeels-Piggins
Talks and Assemblies Extra Curricular

Listen more than talk

This week we welcomed the inspirational Talan Skeels-Piggins to High Performance Lunchtimes. Talan summarised his journey for us as a collection of 'peaks and troughs'. After an accident (which saw him knocked off his bike and run over by a car), he has gone on to achieve amazing things in both skiing and motorcycling. Talan was faced with people who said his sporting achievements would never be possible for a paralysed person but this inspired him to achieve more. He let the boys know that 'peaks and troughs' are only temporary! Positivity, honesty, compassion and commitment were Talan's non-negotiables.

Finally his advice to his teenage self was:

'Enjoy life's ups and downs'
'Follow your dreams and trust in yourself'
'Don't worry about the small stuff'
'Listen more than talk'
'Do one thing each day that helps you to become a better person.'

And last but not least....Talan recognised the importance of a journal as a way of slowing one's thoughts down.

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