Cross Country Success
Sport Extra Curricular

First round of Oxfordshire Primary School Championship

Seven runners represented Moulsford in the first round of the Oxfordshire Primary School Cross Country Championship at the weekend, held over 1500m, at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge School. Although it was their first time running this distance, and on an unfamiliar course, the boys all rose to the challenge and there were several strong performances.

With Lucas R, Finn R and Max B from Year 4 finishing in the top five and earning championship points, the school is now in a strong position for the remaining rounds later this term. 

Angus B from Year 3 competed with the Year 4 team, and would like more runners to join him in a Year 3 team on 5th November and 3rd December but runners from all year groups up to Year 6 are welcome to participate.

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